Thursday 26 March 2009

How I clean my brushes

Now we made our own brush cleaner, it's time to start using it! :)

What you need for daily cleaning:
Cup or container
Brush cleanser
Paper towel or something to wipe your brush with
Dirty brushes (and boy do we have plenty of those >.<)

1. Take the cup or container and put a little of your brush cleaner in.
2. Next take a brush and soak it for a few seconds in the brush cleaner.
3. Then wipe your brush on the paper towel, you should see the dirt coming off!
4. Repeat step 1 and 2 till there is no more makeup coming off your brush.
5. Reshape the brush tip and store your brushes to dry. Make sure you always lie them down flat while drying to prevent water going into the handle. If this happens it damages the glue and your brush, and it might break or let loose!

Usually the small brushes dry very quickly, but if you want to make sure your brushes are nice dry and fresh in the morning, clean them before you go to bed and let them dry during the night :).

This method is for your daily use, but I recommend giving your brushes a deep clean every 1 or 2 weeks, depending on how much you use them.

What you need for deep cleaning:

(optional) olive oil and a paper towel
A sponge (or your hand)
Baby shampoo
and of course your brushes

1.This step is optional. Put some olive oil on a paper towel and brush your dirty brushes on it. The oil will help break sown the makeup on your brush. This is really good for lip brushes (waxy lipstick), concealer brushes and it also helps soften your bristles. After this, rinse your brush. Make sure you don't get any water above the metal part!
2. Turn on the water (warm, not hot) and put a little bit of baby shampoo on your sponge. If you don't have a sponge, use your hand. Just put a little bit of shampoo in the palm of your hand and wipe the brush in your palm.
3. Wet your brush and wipe it all over the sponge till you get all of the dirt off.
4. Rinse your brush in the warm water. Again, make sure you only hold the bristles in the water and that the water does not get above the metal part!
5. Repeat step 2,3 and 4 till your brush is clean.
6. Reshape the brush tip and store your brushes to dry. Make sure you always lie them down flat while drying to prevent water going into the handle. If this happens it damages the glue and your brush, and it might break or let loose!

This method takes more time for your brushes to dry so I really recommend doing this in the evening, unless you don't need your brushes during the day.

I hope this will help you to clean your brushes and make sure you can use them for a long long time cause of good maintenance! :)


mineral cosmetics said...

Very useful video...actually even after cleaning a bit there is so much deposit in the bristles that it is difficult to get the paints and the chemicals out of it.

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